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June 14th 2025

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Rise Above:
Red Tail Tuskegee Airmen Exhibit
and P51 Mustang!

Dandy Wellington

CAF Red Tail Squadron

We are thrilled to announce that at the 2022 1940s Ball we will be featuring the National Tuskegee Airmen traveling exhibit: Rise Above, Red Tail!

This incredible exhibit, by the Commemorative Air Force, is honoring the history and legacy of America’s first black military pilots and their support personnel, including a P51 Mustang, one of the planes the Tuskegee Airmen flew in WWII!  The exhibit “is on a mission to educate people of all ages about these important American icons so their strength of character and ability to triumph over adversity may serve as a means to inspire others to rise above obstacles in their own lives and achieve their goals.”

“We invite you to take a deeper dive to learn more about the remarkable Tuskegee Airmen, and be inspired to tap into the ability within yourself to overcome barriers and find success.”

More information about the Rise Above Red Tail exhibit can be found here.